Badger Blog
Thursday 20 July 2023 Badger Beach Day Even though there wasn't glorious sunshine, Badger Class had a fantastic beach day. Everyone loved the paddling pool and the slip and slide and played some great beach games throughout the morning. Then finally, no trip to the beach is complete without an ice lolly!
Friday 7 July 2023 Super Sports Day 2023 Badger Class loved sports day and enjoyed a variety of races from three-legged to skipping to round the field. The children showed great sportsmanship and supported each other brilliantly.
Friday 7 July 2023 Badger Class Awards - 7.7.23 Huge congratulations to our award winners for this week and last week. Well done for your amazing efforts and attitude towards learning.
Friday 7 July 2023 Badger Class - Brilliant Barriers Badger Class applied all the skills and knowledge they had developed during our pivots and levers design technology unit to create a prototype fold-away barrier that could be used to divide the playground and create a football zone but also be removed quickly and easily.
Friday 16 June 2023 Class Awards - 16.06.23 Congratulations to our class award winners for this week.
Friday 9 June 2023 Badger Class - 09.06.23 It has been a pleasure to welcome Badger Class back from half term. It has been a busy week with lots of learning going on. The children are studying non-fiction writing in English as they explore non-chronological reports using Earth Shattering Events by Robin Jacobs as our focus text.
Friday 19 May 2023 Celebration assembly - 19.05.23 Well done to our fabulous award winners this week:
Thursday 18 May 2023 Cool Capoeira Badger Class loved their Capoeira taster session today. They learnt about the history of the Brazilian dance-fight game and experienced the music that is such a huge part of it. The children tried out different moves including the frog, spider and cat pose before the movements together to create sequences and routines. It was great fun and the children worked hard on their balance, flexibility and coordination.
Thursday 18 May 2023 Celebration Assembly - 10.05.23 A very big well done to our three celebration assembly award winners this week.
Thursday 18 May 2023 Design Technology - Healthy Fruit Snacks Over the last few weeks, Badger Class have been researching, planning and making healthy fruit snacks.
Thursday 18 May 2023 Badger Class - Terrific Tennis Festival Lots of children from Badger Class enjoyed a tennis festival at Easton College last week. The children completed lots of mini skill based activities that were run by Easton College students. The children worked on different skills including accuracy, coordination and agility. All children represented the school really well and showed great enthusiasm to develop their tennis techniques.
Friday 28 April 2023 Badger Class - 28th April 2023 Badger Class have been learning about plants in science this week and set up their own scientific investigations to explore the effect that plant food has on how well a plant can grow. The children explored the different variables that they would need to keep consistent to ensure a fair test and set up their investigations independently. We are excited to start recording the results in a few weeks!
Friday 21 April 2023 Homework Grid - Summer 1
Friday 21 April 2023 Badger Class - 21.04.23 It has been a pleasure to welcome back Badger Class after the Easter break. All the children have enjoyed getting stuck into our new class novel - Secrets of a Sun King - and shared some excellent predictions and insights about the story so far. It is great to see them using their knowledge of Ancient Egyptians from last term and applying it our literacy learning.
Friday 31 March 2023 Imogen's Fundraising for National Autistic Society The whole school has been celebrating Autism Awareness Week but Imogen in particular has been doing some amazing work. Imogen has designed some bracelets and necklaces called Super Power and is selling them for donations so she can raise funds for the National Autistic Society.
Friday 31 March 2023 Design Technology - a chair for Mr Ted Badger Class put all their work on structures into practice today when they created their chair designs for Mr Ted out of carboard. The children worked extra hard to include lots of the joining and bending techniques we had had tried out.
Friday 31 March 2023 Rocks and Fossils Visitor Badger Class were lucky enough to have an amazing visit from Alan from Talk Wildlife who gave us a presentation on rocks and fossils as well as bringing in lots of different samples. It was really interesting and Badger Class showed off their fantastic knowledge.
Friday 17 March 2023 Science Week 2023 Badger Class have had a brilliant Science Week including lots of experiments, investigations, visitors and scientific thinking.
Friday 10 March 2023 Design Technology - Shell Structures Badger class have been learning about shell structures in design technology this half term and this week we investigated different ways of shaping and joined cardboard. The children practised these skills to develop the fluency of their practical skills.
Friday 3 March 2023 Girls' Football Tournament A huge well done to all the girls who took part in the football tournament this week. The children attended Goals in Norwich and played against 15 other teams. Mrs Colchester commended the players on their enthusiasm and encouragement of each other and how well they joined in.
Friday 3 March 2023 Badger Class Celebrate World Book Day Badger Class had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day. The children all joined in with 'Drop Everything and Read' sessions throughout the day. They also gave old books new life through a class book swap and Everly even came up with the idea of creating a on going book swap station in the library for this to continue all year round.
Friday 24 February 2023 Online Abstract Gallery Badger Class are very proud to present their finished pieces of abstract art inspired by Kandinsky's art and his key principles of art. The used a range of media including wood, acetate, paper, card, gouache paint, water colours and pastels to create four quadrants that come together as a finished artwork. We really hope you like them.
Friday 10 February 2023 Award Winners - 10.02.23 Congratulations to our award winners this week. It has been brilliant to see all your super efforts and a great attitude towards learning :)
Friday 10 February 2023 Magnificent Magnets In science this week, Badger Class used all their knowledge of forces and magnets to create some super games which they explained and played with each other.
Friday 27 January 2023 Celebration Assembly - 27.01.23 Congratulations to our award winners for this week. It is great to see your adventurous, bright-minded and caring learning in Badger Class. Keep up the super effort!
Friday 27 January 2023 Badger Class - 20th January 2023 It has been a very busy and varied week of learning in badger Class this week with lots of fun, practical activities.
Friday 20 January 2023 Badger Class Awards - 20.01.23 A huge congratulations to our award winners this week. Well done for showing such a great attitude towards your learning this week. You should be very proud of yourselves!
Friday 20 January 2023 Exploring friction and amazing abstract art It has been a super week in Badger Class as they have been exploring friction in Science and trying to find the best material for a table football pitch. The children discussed the different properties of the materials and predicted which would be the most effective and why. Then we tested the different materials to see how easily a ball rolled on them. Children set up the experiment, took measurements and compared their results. What a super group of scientists!
Friday 13 January 2023 Badger Class Awards - 13.01.23 Very well done to our award winners this week. You have shown our ABC learning values this week. Thank you for your super efforts.
Thursday 15 December 2022 The Christmas Factory Badger Class have had a brilliant week performing their amazing Christmas play - The Christmas Factory. All the children worked so hard to learn their lines, perfect the songs and perform the dance routines. We really hope that all the parents enjoyed the performance and thank you to all those involved in making it possible. Well done Badger Class - you were fantastic!
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