Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Badger Class - 'Sew' creative!

I hope everyone had a lovely half term and enjoyed some family time despite the pretty awful weather!

Badger Class have had a very creative first week back in school as they have started a cushion sewing project. The children have been practising their stitching skills and working on their designs for their cushions. This will be an on-going project for the half term and the designs are inspired by the artwork of Ted Harrison which we explored before the holiday. 

It was great to see the children's determination and resilience to work on their skills and practise. 


Finally, congratulations to our award winners this week for their amazing efforts. We have moved onto new celebration certificates that link to our school vision and values. So there is an award for being an ADVENTUROUS learner, another one for being BRIGHT-MINDED and a final one for being CARING. 

Well done to our winners this week!

Adventurous: Jacob T

Bright-minded: Rose 

Caring: Nellie

Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Best