Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Badger Class - Spring Week 10

Another week has zoomed by! The children wrote some fantastic mountain poems inspired by Valerie Blooms - The River. Their use of imagery, metaphors and personification was really impressive and they performed them aloud with great expression and enthusiasm. 

In Maths - the Year 4s have been coaching the Year 3s to support their fraction vocabulary and understanding of different representations. The Year 4 children have also been looking at decimals linked to fractions as well. 

During our Design Technology lessons the children designed and labelled a moving toy based on a river or mountain theme. They discussed the key features for making a toy appealing to their target market and the limitations of what could be achieved with the materials they had. Next week it is time to bring the designs to life! 

Finally congratulations to our award winners this week:

Sophie and Finn - PE Award for team work

Ami - Star Reader for working so hard to become a free reader

Sonny and Nellie - for fantastic use of language and rhyme in their poetry work

Well done to everyone on a brilliant week!