Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Badger Class - Summer Term -Week 13

This week has been full of lovely events including Sports Day and our Beach Day. During sports day, the children entered the activities with great enthusiasm, showed excellent team work and encouraged each other brilliantly. It was such fun to get out together as a whole school and enjoy some sporting activities together. Badger Class participated in the flat races, relay, skipping and three-legged race. Huge congratulations to everyone especially Red Team who were the overall winners of the event. 

Then today we had our Beach Day celebration event which was such fun. The children (and adults!) very much enjoyed splashing about in the paddling pool, making sandcastles and playing beach games. The children behaved brilliantly and managed their excitement so well. 

Well done to our awards winners this week:

Head teacher award - Anjali

Star Reader - Maisie

Sports Star - Lola and Felicity

I cannot believe this our last full week but what a great week it has been!