Badger Class - Summer Term -Week 3
It has been a very busy week in Badger Class with some fantastic creative work going on. The children explored Spanish artists including Gaudi, Picasso and Dali and discussed and compared the work of these inspirational artists. Then we focused in on Picasso's style of cubism where different angles are bought together in one picture. Badger Class used photographs of themselves face on and in profile to develop their own cubist style portraits. They sketched their ideas before finalising their designs on board. We used watercolours to bring vibrancy to the portraits and discussed the use of warm and cool colours to create an impact and contrast just like Picasso did. The children worked brilliantly and really showcased Picasso's mantra of 'learn the rules like a professional so you can break them like an artist' and 'all children are born artists'.
Also the children really enjoyed sharing their amazing Spanish themed homework projects from delicious looking Spanish paella and churros to power points and footfall fact files - the work was incredible and most importantly the children spoke with such enthusiasm and knowledge on their chosen topic. Bravo Badger Class!
Finally congratulations to our award winners this week:
Head teacher award - Belle for fabulous work on her Picasso style portrait and Lola for excellent attention to detail in her grammar work.
Star reader - Felicity for showing a great commitment to reading at home
Sports star - Jacob for an amazing attitude towards improving his skills and achieving his best.