Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Fox Class Autumn Week 9 2021

This week we have finished off our work on 'The Owl Babies'.  The children have written some excellent recounts and we have also been learning about suffixes.  

In Phonics the Year 1s have learnt several more Phase 5 sounds including ey, au, oe, ew and ph.  Year 2 will be completing their postponed Year 1 phonics checks on Monday.  

The children compared old and new toys with Mrs Gray on Wednesday, as well as learning the story or 'Rama and Sita'.  

They enjoyed another Taekwondo session yesterday.  

We have started learning our lines and songs for our Nativity play.  Year 2 are bringing their scripts home today.  I will send home more information about costumes etc soon.  

Our certificate winners this week are:

Ella D - for excellent writing 

Archie - Star Reader

Sports Award - Flynn

Well done everyone and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Ward