Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Fox Class Summer Week 12

I am sorry about the lack of photos this week!  I am not sure where the week has flown to.  

The children have been busy writing their own stories this week about the mystery snail tracks that we see on our classroom carpet in the mornings.  We never have found the snail!  

We have been revising shapes, fractions and money in Maths.  

The children had great fun making African necklaces with Mrs Gray on Wednesday.  

Our certificate winners this week are:

Star Reader: Jenson

Evie - for excellent work in Maths

Olivia - for excellent work in Maths and also the sports award this week.  

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Ward



Spooner Row Primary School

Station Road, Spooner Row
Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 9JR

01953 603356

Enrich Learning Trust
A charitable company limited by guarentee
Registered in England & Wales
Company Number: 07725111

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