Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 03.12.21

This week, Oak Class have continued with their myth writing in English, carrying out fun ways to learn fractions in Maths and exploring the legacy of Ancient Greek architecture in History. 


Oak Class have continued to read about the adventures of Sam and Trey as they go on a quest to find the warriors shield in our class book, Medusa's curse. Wonderful, descriptive settings for their myth quests were created by the class this week. 


This week, Oak Class explored more learning about fractions using concrete apparatus. You can see from the photos below that the children enjoyed using multi-link to work out improper to mixed number fractions.


Continuing with our Ancient Greeks topic, this week the class looked at how architecture from this period has influenced modern day architecture. Ask your child all about the 3 main types of columns found on buildings! The children are currently designing an Ancient Greek inspired arts/sports building for the playground. 

Christmas Hamper

A reminder that if you wish to sign up to donate something to the hamper, then please let your child know and they can fill in the sign up sheet on our classroom door.

Year 6 Rugby Taster

Next Thursday, the Year 6 children will have their rugby taster session (postponed from this week). They should wear their school PE, a warm top and bring a spare pair of shoes/trainers to change into afterwards.

The Year 5 children will also have PE during this time on the field, so they should also wear warm clothing and bring a spare pair of shoes/trainers. 

 Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Curtis