Oak Class Blog - 14th January 2022
Happy New Year and welcome to Term 2 in Oak Class. The children have all come back from the holidays enthusiastic and ready for the new learning this term will bring.
This term, our class book is 'Goodnight Mr Tom', which Oak Class are really enjoying. We are exploring different themes linked to WWII, such as evacuees and The Blitz. The children have been looking closely at the form and features of newspaper reports, which will lead to newspaper article writing on The Blitz.
This week, Oak Class have moved onto decimals in Maths. They have been exploring decimals up to three decimal places and the value of each digit. They also consolidated their multiplying fractions learning, with paired games, which you can see from the photographs below that they really enjoyed.
Year 6 have also started some of their preparation for SATs, using a computer programme called SATs companion. The Year 6 children have shown great enthusiasm and resilience, when faced with more difficult questions and shown a wonderful attitude towards their preparation, as you can see from the photographs below.
This term in topic, we shall be looking at different themes around World War II. This week we explored the questions - 'Did WWI cause WWII?' and 'Was WWII a truly global conflict?'. Oak Class have shown great engagement and enthusiasm in our topic lessons, sharing the knowledge/artifacts they have from older relatives with their peers. The photographs below, show the children mapping the allies and axis powers in WWII.
This week, Oak Class combined balance and ball/hoop skills to create routines in small groups. They showed great creativity and team work in producing some wonderful routines, as you can see from the photographs below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Fiona Curtis