Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 15.10.21

This week Oak Class enjoyed exploring artifacts in History, negative number games in Maths and continued with their fantastic diary entries in English. On Friday, the Year 6 members of Oak Class went to a Science/Library morning at Wymondham High School. The children will tell you that they really enjoyed carrying out the rainbow fizz experiment and the library bingo but I think they secretly liked the cheese panini and hot dogs they had for a snack best!


Oak Class have continued to create their diary entries based on chapter 1 of our class book 'Medusa's Curse'. This week they published their diary entries from their re-crafted drafts, showing that we definitely have some future authors in Oak Class. 


This week Oak Class have been problem solving using the population numbers of the Japanese Red Crowned Cranes over the last 30 years. They showed great resilience and perseverance when dealing with numbers into the 10 millions. Ask your child about the dance the red crowned cranes do!


Oak class helped out Larry from 'Night at the Museum' this week by helping him fix some of the broken pots from Ancient Greece. They also had to work out what the pictures on the pots tell us about life in Ancient Greece and also how realistic this evidence is. You will see what great team workers Oak Class are from the photos in the gallery below. 

Real PE

Oak Class have been working on their retrieving and returning skills in Real PE this week. They really enjoyed playing a game called 'End Game' which teaches them some of the skills of Netball. Miss Curtis was happy that this PE session was injury free...we now call our Lacrosse sessions 'Ice Pack Lacrosse', which the children find very funny. 

Dates for your Diary

Halloween Dress Up - Friday 22nd October 2021. 

Parent Meetings (Virtual) - Week beginning 1st November. I shall send out an email at the start of next week with details of how to sign up for a time. 

Year 6 Swimming - this should start after half term but we will email to confirm nearer the time.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Curtis