Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 13th May 2022

This week has been assessment week in Oak Class, with Year 6 carrying out their SATs tests and Year 5 their PIXL assessments. All the children should be congratulation on the positive attitude and great effort they showed this week. They were all resilient, hard-working and absolutely tried their best. I know that myself and all the staff at Spooner Row couldn't be prouder of them all. Well done Oak Class!

To thank the class for all their efforts, the children got to carry out some fun activities, during the time after the tests. The smarties challenge proved a bit hit with the class, especially as they got to eat the smarties afterwards! They also enjoyed extra rugby and cricket coaching. Today, the class enjoyed a popcorn and movie afternoon. 

Enjoy the forecast lovely weather this weekend.

Fiona Curtis