Oak Class Blog - 21st January 2022
This week, Oak Class have continued with their learning around World War II, including reading our class text, Goodnight Mr Tom. They also enjoyed an art activity linked to our English work on The Blitz. This wonderful work will be on display in Oak Classroom.
A reminder that as we have to ventilate the classroom, the children are more than welcome to bring in a fleece top, extra jumper etc to wear in the classroom, whilst the weather is cold.
The children of Oak Class have continued their exploration of fractions and decimals and are certainly showing more confidence in this area. The Year 6 children took part in their first SATs Confidence Club session, where we looked at the multiplication and division methods needed to answer reasoning questions. They all took part with engagement and enthusiasm - well done Year 6!
This week, Oak Class continued to look at the format of newspapers and in particular the grammar and sentence types used in newspapers. We looked in more depth at The Blitz as this will be the theme for their newspaper report writing next week.
Our Word War II topic is proving to be really popular with the children in Oak Class and it is wonderful to see the children bringing in artifacts and books they have at home. The class and myself were treated to a wonderful display of artifacts and presentation by Anjali about her family history in the war. The children also researched the major battles of World War II and time-lined the early events of the war.
This week, Oak Class set up an investigation to see if they could use a potato to generate electricity. It wasn't a total success but the children had great fun exploring different ways to get their circuits to work. They also looked at proving static electricity exists using balloons and aluminium cans, which was more successful, as you can see from the photographs below.