Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 25th February 2022

Welcome back, after the half-term holidays! Meanwhile, Oak Class have continued to show enthusiasm in all their learning, as we enter this half term. 


This week, Oak Class consolidated their fractions, decimals and percentages learning using a variety of these in problem solving. They also reviewed their measurement conversions learning.  The Year 6 children tackled volume problems in our SATs Confidence Club, showing great determination to learn the correct methods. Well done to all of Oak Class for continuing to show enthusiasm and resilience in Maths. 


Linking our English learning with our topic work, the children have this week been looking at letters written by evacuee children during World War II. They also carried out research about the evacuation of children and are ready to write their own letters next week. 


Oak Class have moved onto a new Science topic of 'Materials and their Properties'. To hook them into learning, the children explored different materials and labelled them using definitions such as flexible, absorbent etc. 


Oak Class were introduced to a new game this week called Hoop - Rock, Paper, Scissors. As you can see from the pictures below, this game caused lots of laughter and smiling in the class. The children came up with excellent adaptions to the game, to make it more challenging. 

World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March 2022

Next Thursday is World Book Day, which we will be celebrating at Spooner Row Primary. The main events will include:

  • The children are invited to dress up as book character on Thursday
  • Book Swap - the children can bring in a book they have already read (and are willing to swap) and can swap with their classmates
  • Drop Everything & Read - at various times during the day a bell will ring and the children will need to pick up their reading book and read for 10 minutes. Please ensure your child has their reading book in school with them
  • The children will be given a book token at the end of the day 

Throughout the day, Oak Class will carry out other fun activities linked to Book Day. 


Wishing you a lovely weekend

Fiona Curtis