Oak Class Blog - 28th January 2022
This week's blog is a little shorter than usual, due to the fact that this has been assessment week in Oak Class. The children showed great perseverance and resilience throughout the week and producing some wonderful results. They should all be very proud of their efforts. Our gallery below shows some of the fantastic learning that the children have produced so far this term, which is on display in our classroom.
This week in topic, we focused on The Blitz, major battles of the World War II and producing timelines. Once again, the children were enthusiastic learners, bringing their own knowledge of World War II to the sessions. The children's Blitz pictures and timelines are proudly on display in the classroom, which you can see from the photographs below.
Oak Class have continued to explore electrical circuits this week in Science. The children created circuits to work like a burglar alarm with lights and buzzers. They really enjoyed the tasks and were successful in creating their circuits, as you can see from the photographs below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Fiona Curtis