Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 4th March 2022

This week Oak Class have enjoyed creating their evacuee suitcases, writing letters in the persona of Willie from Goodnight Mr Tom and of course dressing up for World Book Day. 


In Oak Class this week, we really focused on reading and writing to coincide with World Book Day. The class planned out and wrote some fantastic letters from the point of the view of the evacuee Willie (from Goodnight Mr Tom) writing to his mother back in London.  The children used all they had learnt in topic about evacuees to help them with this task. 

On World Book Day, Oak Class carried out a book 'scavenger hunt' and really enjoyed creating a 'Book in a Box'. Below you can see some photographs of the children being creative and imaginative during this task. 


Concluding our topic theme of the evacuation of children during World War 2, this week Oak Class created their evacuee suitcases after exploring what evacuees from WW2 were allowed to take with them. Once again, the children were really creative in how they put their case together and these will form a wonderful display in the class when they are finished. 

Student Leadership - Dining Room Deputies

This week, our House Captains and Prefects took up their role as 'Dining Room Deputies'. This involves them assisting the Meal Time Supervisors in the dining room, helping the younger children, encouraging great dinning room behaviour and giving out sticker rewards. They have done an amazing job in their first week - well done to all of them. 

Have a lovely weekend

Fiona Curtis