Oak Class Blog - 4th November 2022
This week, Oak class have focused much of their learning on Science and English. They also started their leadership duties as 'Dining room Deputies' much to the delight of the younger children.
In English, Oak Class have used the book 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman as the inspiration for different types of learning. This included creating art scenes from a written description, exploring zones of relevance, carrying out comprehension questions and finding inference from direct quotes from the text. A fantastic week of book based learning Oak Class!
This week was a Science focus week in Oak Class. The children explored the science around the topic of 'forces'. They looked at magnetism, friction and gravity and as you can see from the photos below, they enjoyed the investigation testing what happens when you drop objects from the same height.
On Wednesday, the children were fortunate enough to have a Spanish teacher from Wymondham High, come and teach them a Spanish lesson. The photos below show how engaged and enthusiastic the children were and I know the teacher was very impressed with their language skills.
Parents Evening
Parents Evenings will take place next week on Monday (virtual) and Tuesday (in person) after school. If you haven't been able to make an appointment to see me, please send me an email and we can arrange another time before or after school to meet.
Have a lovely weekend