Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 5th November 2021

After the half term holiday, Oak Class returned to school enthusiastic to continue their learning this term. Year 6 started their swimming sessions and children from both Year 5 and Year 6 took part in a Cross Country Meet. Mrs Baker was very proud of not only how the children performed at the event (and Year 6 had to run a whole mile!) but how well they represented the school with their fantastic behaviour. 


This week, Oak Class have started their new writing genre - writing Myths. The children enjoyed watching a video of the dragon slayer and turning this into a story board. They have also been exploring and reading myths in group reading using Get Epic. They are now moving onto exploring the features of myths and creating their own characters.....including mythical monsters!


In Maths this week, the learning has been focused on the column multiplication method. The children embraced this challenged and have worked hard on their multiplication journey this week. They have all said they are feeling more confident about tackling these sorts of problems in Maths in the future. Well done to Oak Class for showing resilience and perseverance. 

Other Subjects

The children in Oak Class really enjoyed their Real PE lesson this week as they were introduced to 'Seated Balloon Volleyball'. You can see from the photos below how much they enjoyed this activity. 


Student Leadership

This week the student leadership team was introduced to the rest of the school in our first House Assembly. They have also had their photos taken for a display board in school. The children are anxious to receive their badges, which I have assured them are on the way. Next week, we have our first student leadership meeting so the children can start carrying out their duties. (Apologies for the photos being portrait orientation but this is how they are displayed in school).

 Friends Cake Sale

On Friday 12th November, Friends and Oak Class will be holding a cake sale in the playground after school.  Please can you bring in cakes/biscuits and deliver to the kitchen on Friday morning.  Please make sure none of the cakes contain nuts - thank you.  An email with more details will be going out to parents early next week. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Curtis