Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class Blog - 6th May 2022

This week in Oak Class, the Year 6 children have completed their preparation for next weeks KS2 SATs and the whole class have been exploring countries, capitals and continents in our 'Extreme Planet' Geography learning. 


Oak Class carried out the last of their investigations linked to 'Materials and their Properties' learning. They carried out their investigations to see which material would be best for a mountaineers jacket. All the children worked really well in their groups, listening to each other and appreciating other team members ideas and opinions. 


This week, the class researched countries, capitals and their continents as our hook into our new geography learning about our extreme planet. The children enjoyed looking at maps and trying to learn how to pronounce the names of some of the places correctly. 

Assessment Week

Next week is assessment week in Oak Class with our Year 6 students sitting their KS2 SATs and Year 5 students carrying out their end of year Pixl assessments.  Oak Class have worked very hard this year and have been committed and enthusiastic in their learning and should be congratulated on this. I know all the children will try their very best and should not worry about these assessments. They are one off tests that don't highlight all the marvellous qualities the children of Oak Class show.  To celebrate all their efforts, on Friday we shall we having a film and popcorn afternoon (the school will provide the popcorn). 

 Have a lovely weekend,

Fiona Curtis