Oak Class Blog - 8th October 2021
This week Oak Class have continued to work hard and show enthusiasm for all areas of the curriculum. A highlight for them this week was wearing yellow for mental health today.
Oak Class have continued exploring the theme of Place Value this week, using their reasoning skills to problem solve using rounding, ordering numbers up to 10 million and understanding the value of individual digits. They are showing great resilience and perseverance when carrying out their fluency tasks, which can come from any area of Maths.
English -(Please click the +)
This week, Oak Class have continued to explore diary writing using our class book 'Medusa's Curse' as their inspiration for writing. They are currently producing their modelled pieces of writing, showing their creative and imaginative skills.
Student Teachers: Ask your child to teach you about proper and common nouns.
PE - (Please click the +)
Oak Class have embraced learning lacrosse this term and they have built up their skills to play small sided games. As you can see from the pictures below, Oak Class have become experts already!