Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Oak Class - Spring Week 3

Well done Oak Class for another week of fantastic learning at home! You have all been busy working out the area and perimeter of rooms in your house or objects around school and have worked out the costings of redecorating.  I have also seen some wonderful work on 3D shapes by year 6 who have been learning about the nets of 3D shapes.

In science, I have seen some wonderful videos of you demonstrating how we get night and day – I think Brian Cox would be very impressed!

We have started thinking about the process of making chocolate in preparation for writing an explanation text in literacy and finding where we live on maps in Topic.

This week was also the start of your ‘Design a Toy’ project and I can see you have researched lots of existing toys which meet your brief.  This will be very helpful when it comes to designing your toys next week.

As always, your enthusiasm, organisation and hard-work has been phenomenal! Keep it up guys.