Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

We are building a collaborative family of schools.

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Our First Week

We have spent time getting to know each other and learning the classroom rules. We have learnt a rhyme to help us remember to pack away. We will continue to practise sitting still and listening in a group over the next few weeks. This is a key skill for learning.

We have taken part in a range of activities designed to develop our fine motor control. We have built towers with small cups, moved pom poms with tweezers, threaded beads and made pictures with pegs and peg boards. We have also practised writing our names, made superhero spoon puppets and slime, talked about friendly and unfriendly behaviour, counted on our fingers and played a turn taking game. 

The lovely weather has meant that we have spent a lot of time outside. We have made obstacle courses, squirted numbers, played in the mud kitchen and played on the bikes and scooters.