Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Science Week 2023

Badger Class have had a brilliant Science Week including lots of experiments, investigations, visitors and scientific thinking. 

The children focused on the theme of connections. Throughout the week, the children engaged in scientific investigations from exploring materials to plug holes in a bucket to looking at the connections in nature and food webs. The children also took part in live lessons online and shared excellent ideas and creative thinking.

We also had some engineers visit us from Morgan Sindall construction to share lots of interesting information about the exciting and crucial work of engineers and set the class an engineering challenge to use straws and connectors to build a structure to hold a book. All teams relished the challenge and worked collaboratively and creatively on the project. A big thank you to Maggie and Harriet from Morgan Sindall for their educational support during science week. 

Arun, Evie, Isabella and Jenson shared their learning really articulately with the rest of the school during a special science week assembly and our two science awards went to Sonali and Cole for excellent scientific thinking and discussion throughout the week. 

Well done to all our super scientists and engineers!