Spooner Row Primary

Enrich Learning Trust

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Squirrel Class Week 4 - Signs of Autumn

We have been looking at the changes that happen during autumn. We have looked at autumn colours and used conkers to painted our own pictures using yellow, red, orange and brown paint. On Wednesday we went on a conker hunt. We collected lots and lots and we each got to count out ten to take home. We have put the rest in our sand tray. We had an autumn scavenger hunt in teams on Friday and had to run around the field and find lots of leaves, conkers, seeds, pinecones etc. We have learnt what the word hibernate means and have looked at different animals that hibernate. We have all made a clay hedgehog. Some of us have also made scarecrows out of lolly sticks.

On Friday we all wore yellow in support of World Mental Health Day and to raise money for the charity Young Minds. In total the school raised £183... proving that a little yellow can make a big difference! A huge thank you to everyone who supported the event! 

Well done to April who was this week's 'Star of the Week.'