Week 2
We have had another great week.
We have started our topic ‘Ourselves’ and have talked about our families and how all families are different. We have learned that not all families have a mummy and a daddy. We have enjoyed listening to the story ‘And Tango Makes Three’. We have drawn our family and had a go at writing the names of all our family members.
In phonics, we have learnt the letters s, a, t and p. We have done lots of different activities to help us remember the sounds and learn to write them. We have also been practising blending sounds to make words and we are getting better at this.
In literacy, we have been looking at nursery rhymes. We have used story characters to act them out and have made a paper plate Humpty Dumpty.
In maths, we have been matching and sorting objects and talking about similarities and differences. We went on a sock hunt in the outdoor area to help Mrs Newbery to pair up all of the socks that Mrs Bradley had hidden. We have also been subitising to 5 - we are very good at this!
We have had our first two PE lessons this week. On Monday, we went on the big climbing equipment in the hall and had great fun. On Friday, we went outside to experiment with different ways of moving. We practised hopping, side stepping, hopscotch, jumping and skipping.
We have also continued our work on emotions and made slime.